Suhag's Project
Suhag's Project
Suhag's Project
Suhag's Project
Suhag's Project
Suhag's Project
Suhag's Project
Suhag's Project
Suhag's Project
Suhag's Project
Suhag's Project
Suhag's Project
Suhag's Project
Suhag's Project

Learning Management System

// Front End Development

This is an enterprise-level project that involved building a multi-page web application. My role focused on developing the front-end component of the project. Utilizing the Figma design provided by the client, I converted it into a responsive Next.js web application. Throughout the development process, I adhered to the best practices of Next.js and React, ensuring clean code and optimal performance.

➡️ Transformed the Figma design into a fully responsive web application using Next.js, a powerful React framework.

➡️ Incorporated Material-UI (MUI) for consistent and visually appealing front-end design components.

➡️ Utilized Sass to enhance the front-end design and ensure easy maintenance of stylesheets.

➡️ Implemented clean and optimized code to ensure the web application's performance and ease of understanding.

➡️ Optimized images to enhance the overall performance and loading speed of the application.

➡️ Developed a multi-page web application that provides a seamless user experience across devices.

This is designed to be fully responsive, ensuring compatibility and optimal user experience on all devices. The project represents an enterprise-level website that showcases business or company information with an intuitive design and clean codebase. I am proud to have contributed to the development of the project, and I believe it will serve as an effective platform for the client's needs.

Technologies Used
Next JsMaterial UISassSwiper JsFigma