Suhag's Project
Suhag's Project
Suhag's Project

Leap Education

// Front End Development

I led the development of Leap Education, a Front End project that involved transforming a Figma design into a responsive React (Next.js) website. The project emphasized a captivating landing page, full responsiveness, image optimization, and clean, easily understandable code.

➡️ Crafted an attention-grabbing landing page that served as a visually compelling introduction to the website.

➡️ Ensured that the website was fully responsive, providing users with an excellent experience across a variety of devices.

➡️ Optimized and resized images to enhance website performance, resulting in faster loading times.

➡️ Maintained a clean and well-structured codebase, making it easy for developers to understand and work with in the future.

Leap Education now boasts a captivating landing page, full responsiveness, optimized images, and clean code. These elements contribute to an exceptional user experience and ensure that the website is easily maintainable for future enhancements and updates.

Technologies Used
ReactNext JsMaterial UICSSFigma