Suhag's Project
Suhag's Project
Suhag's Project
Suhag's Project


// Front End Development

I spearheaded the conversion of the Leap Figma design into a Next.js-based Front End project. This comprehensive undertaking focused on creating a visually striking landing page, a specialized NFT landing page, full responsiveness, image optimization for performance, and maintaining clean, easily understandable code.

➡️ Developed an eye-catching landing page that immediately captures visitors' attention, setting a positive tone for their interaction with the website.

➡️ Created a dedicated landing page catering to the specific needs and interests of users engaged with Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs).

➡️ Ensured that the website was fully responsive, providing an optimal user experience across various devices and screen sizes.

➡️ Employed image optimization techniques to enhance website performance, resulting in reduced page load times and improved user satisfaction.

➡️ Maintained a clean and easily understandable codebase, making future development and updates straightforward and efficient.

Leap has successfully transformed from a Figma design into a dynamic Next.js-based Front End project. The project includes a captivating landing page, a specialized NFT landing page, full responsiveness, image optimization, and a clean, maintainable codebase. These elements collectively contribute to an exceptional user experience and ensure readiness for future enhancements and updates.

Technologies Used
ReactNext JsMaterial UICSSFigma