Suhag's Project
Suhag's Project
Suhag's Project
Suhag's Project
Suhag's Project

DashGL Splash

// Front End Development

I spearheaded the Front End development of DashGL Splash, a project that focused on creating a visually striking landing page, a specialized NFT landing page, ensuring full responsiveness, image optimization for enhanced performance, and maintaining clean, easily understandable code.

➡️ Crafted an eye-catching landing page that immediately captures visitors' attention, setting a positive tone for their interaction with the website.

➡️ Developed a dedicated landing page for NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens), catering to the specific audience interested in this unique digital asset class.

➡️ Ensured that the website was fully responsive, guaranteeing an exceptional user experience across various devices and screen sizes.

➡️ Employed image optimization techniques to enhance website performance, resulting in quicker load times and improved user satisfaction.

➡️ Maintained a clean and easily comprehensible codebase, simplifying future development, updates, and maintenance.

DashGL Splash is now equipped with a visually captivating landing page, a dedicated NFT landing page, full responsiveness, image optimization, and clean, maintainable code. These elements collectively contribute to an exceptional user experience and ensure the website's readiness for future enhancements and improvements.

Technologies Used
ReactNext jsSwiper jsMaterial UICSSFigma