Suhag's Project
Suhag's Project
Suhag's Project
Suhag's Project
Suhag's Project
Suhag's Project
Suhag's Project


// Front End Development

As the front end developer, I transformed a Figma design into a responsive Next.js website, emphasizing an engaging landing page and optimal image performance.

➡️ Crafted a captivating landing page that serves as a visually appealing entry point for users.

➡️ Ensured the website's compatibility with all devices for a seamless user experience.

➡️ Enhanced performance by optimizing and resizing images for faster page load times.

➡️ Maintained a clean and easily understandable codebase for efficient future development.

Lively-Studio now boasts a captivating landing page, full responsiveness, and optimized images. These improvements set the stage for a compelling user experience, and the clean codebase ensures easy maintenance and further enhancements in the future.

Technologies Used
ReactNext jsTailwind CSSCSSFigma