Suhag's Project
Suhag's Project
Suhag's Project
Suhag's Project
Suhag's Project
Suhag's Project

Buy Box

// Front End Development

I spearheaded the transformation of Buy Box from a Figma design into a dynamic React-based Front End project. This comprehensive Front End development project focused on creating a compelling landing page, developing an Ecommerce platform, implementing an efficient ordering and cart system, featuring a single product gallery, ensuring full responsiveness, optimizing images for improved performance, and maintaining clean, easily understandable code.

➡️ Crafted an appealing landing page that immediately captures visitors' attention, providing an engaging introduction to the website.

➡️ Built a fully functional eCommerce platform, enabling users to explore and purchase a wide range of products effortlessly.

➡️ Implemented a user-friendly ordering system and cart system, simplifying the purchase process and order management.

➡️ Featured a dedicated single product gallery to showcase products in detail, aiding users in making informed purchase decisions.

➡️ Ensured that the website was fully responsive, guaranteeing an optimal user experience across various devices and screen sizes.

➡️ Employed image optimization techniques to enhance website performance, resulting in reduced page load times and improved user satisfaction.

➡️ Maintained a clean and easily comprehensible codebase, simplifying future development, updates, and maintenance.

Buy Box has successfully evolved from a Figma design into a dynamic React-based Front End project. This transformation includes a compelling landing page, a functional Ecommerce platform, efficient ordering and cart systems, a single product gallery, full responsiveness, image optimization, and clean, maintainable code. These elements collectively contribute to an exceptional user experience and ensure that the website is well-prepared for future enhancements and refinements.

Technologies Used
ReactReact SlickMaterial UICSSFigma